Say Thollot to Joy and Troy!

It’s February and Love is in the air. We are reminded of how Thollot Jewelers started with the Love between Troy and Joy, and their combined passion for the jewelry industry.
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Many of our customers know the love story between Joy and Troy, the husband and wife team at the helm of all Thollot operations. We consider many of our regulars to be our friends and, of course, Troy can’t help himself from sharing stories, and reminiscing among them. He remembers himself over 30 years ago, an 18-year-old boy scouring his local retail mall, looking for a job.

If you ask him he’ll be the first to admit that it was mostly the pretty girl in a store window that caused Troy to apply for a job at Gruno’s Jewelers in where he would eventually meet his future wife.

But first, Troy had to get the job. Using his people skills and his persistent nature, he badgered and charmed the owner of the store, Brent, until he finally hired Troy on.


Apt With diplomasSS 300X214Now, Troy has never had the most legible script. Before meeting him, Joy saw his application, which had been filled out by hand. “I was put off by his atrocious handwriting, and I asked Brent if he was sure he wanted to hire this guy,” remembers Joy.

Thankfully, Brent was sure, and of course, Troy eventually charmed Joy as well. On their first date, he whisked her off to experience the Chicago nightlife. His adventurous, confident personality and his banging mullet drew her in, and the two quickly fell in love.

For Troy and Joy, the jewelry industry became a passion, and they shared a dream of one day opening a store of their own. To that end, they moved to California together to earn their Graduate Gemologist Diplomas from GIA, the Gemological Institute of America.
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Always a team, Joy and Troy worked together to graduate and then opened a small repair shop in Golden, Colorado. Through years of hard work, that small, cramped shop eventually grew into a retail store in Northglenn. In 2013, the couple purchased a building and moved the store to Thornton, where it remains to this day. Today, Thollot Jewelers is Colorado’s premier custom jewelry store, with a friendly, charming, and dedicated atmosphere that mirrors the attributes of the couple that first started the business all those years ago.